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Privacy Policy

The uniqueness and features of Duran Anatolia handwoven carpets & Kilims

Each product offered to your liking in Duran Anatolia is handwoven and unique.

There is no other similar product carpets.

Since our carpets are handwoven, sometimes these designs may have design, color or handwoven special areas based on local production conditions. In this way, we try to show their appearance on our page as clearly and in detail as possible.

There may be signs of wear or tear, especially on old and antique carpets. We believe this is part of the history and charm of each carpet or kilim. However, if you are not satisfied in any way, please contact us.


Please note, however, that we will not accept returns on items that have been further damaged for other reasons after delivery.

In rare cases, you may have selected a carpet that was sold online a few minutes ago while your purchase was in progress. In this case, be sure that your payment will be refunded without any preconditions.

It will be our greatest pleasure to offer you a Duran Anatolia carpet that you will enjoy using or gifting.

Why do we request your information

Some of your information is required so that the orders you place on our e-commerce site can reach you in the most accurate way and at the right time. We ask for your name, postal address and e-mail address, telephone number, credit or debit card number for this purpose. In addition, our system automatically obtains the IP (internet protocol) address of your computer in order to provide you with more accurate and reliable service at this moment and in the following stages.

How we use personal information

Confirming, processing and fulfilling your order, confirming your billing and shipping information, processing your payments, delivering your products and communicating with you regarding your order

Responding to your questions and fulfilling your requests, including contacting you when necessary

Consider in improving the customer experience, including learning more about your preferences and tastes

To send you information about our products, services and other promotions


How do we obtain your approval? When you share your information with us for the purpose of placing an order, purchase, verifying your credit card or returning a product, it is interpreted as your consent to our use of your information for the relevant purposes.

If you do not want the permission you have given and any information you have shared to be used in any way, you can be sure that we, as Duran Anatolia, will immediately fulfill the need if you clearly state which information or information you do not want to be used to our email address


However, under certain conditions, your personal information may be disclosed in case of binding provisions of the law or a violation of rights.


We are aware of how important the protection of your personal information is for our company reputation and future of our company. Although no data storage system or data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure; We strive to use reasonable organizational, technical and administrative measures to protect Personal Information under our control. For example, we intend to use Secure Sockets Layer ('SSL') technology to place orders. We get all the technical support of a reputable internet infrastructure for our system and data security.

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