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Meaning of
Duran Anatolia



The meaning of our name  Duran Anatolia  and it  relationship to the  Lasting values of Anatolian Culture is important aspect of  our business.

Anatolia, for centuries  has been the cradle of civilization. This culture and its values  are  still relevant today  even though it goes back thousands of years.

The Turkish name of Duran’s meaning is standing: persisting, remaining, lasting and
at the same time surviving. The handmade carpet
& kilim has survi
ved and is a lasting tribute to the Anatolian culture.


Duran Anatolia brings to you the heritage of this culture by our offering of authentic handmade Anatolian Carpets & Kilims

We are proud to say that another meaning of our name honor’s Salim’s father Duran, a long standing civil servant.

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